ANSO - Website Hosting

Web hosting is such an important aspect of creating your internet presence, that we manage our own. Flexibility and reliability are the key ingredients to our hosting. At we provide advanced full function hosting with personal support and genuine affordable prices. We provide additional specialist management services for the maintenance and further development of your websites.

The hosting plan required for a website will fluctuate according to the size and purpose of your site.

The size of your website is the first factor, where if you only require a set amount of web pages without too much growth in content, a smaller amount of disk space is required. Where the content of the site is expected to increase, it may be wise to go with a larger amount of disk space.

The second factor to consider is the bandwidth. A personal or beginner site that will expect to receive a consistent amount of visitors (traffic) over the near future, would be fine on the Aussie-Webhost “Basic” plan with 1gig per month. This would also suit a site that is expected to have a slow growth in its early stages.

However, for many other purposes, such as a business website, the idea would be to have a larger amount of traffic or a faster growth in traffic, so a larger hosting plan such as our “Standard”, “Advanced” or “Custom” plans would be more appropriate.

The last consideration is that all of our hosting at Aussie-Webhost is completely upgradable to a larger plan at any time. So you can choose the plan that is right for current traffic and growth and change as your site and traffic evolves. In most cases email addresses would also need to be included in this estimate as described above.

At Aussie-Webhost we create an individual cPanel hosting management portal for each account, that can be accessed from any internet connection. We have full functional script loading capabilities using Fantastico automated script loading with a large amount of scripts such as online shopping portals or member databases and subscription forms. We also provide fully functional email account creation, sub-domain creation and management, and statistics reports.

Visit Aussie-Webhost to view our feature list and plan details.